Dear Blog! Oh how I've neglected you!
Well the heat has arrived and everyone is walking around looking quite wilted. Living in the desert is the reverse of living in most parts of the country. We look forward to our winters so that we can go outside anytime time day or night and experience the cooler temps. Not so during the summer. We get up early (right around daybreak) to empty the garbage, water the cactus, yes they do love water, and to walk the dog or ourselves. We see construction workers heading to their jobs so they can beat the heat and be home by early afternoon. We see doors open for some fresh air before the sun causes us to retreat to the coolness of our air conditioning. Yes, it is totally a reverse way of life out here in our desert. The good part?
We are able to drive to the river in a matter of 5 minutes to experience the cold water dips and then sit on the beautiful little beaches under the trees having sandwiches, cold chicken and a cool drink. When the heat starts to get to us, it's another run and jump into the river once more. Our 3 digit temps. are just about more then a body can handle. How did people survive before A/C??
I'm posting some photos I've taken of the desert at it's finest. It's not all sand, sand, and more sand. One just has to stop and capture the beauty. Some of these photos were taken by my two daughters Valerie and Deanna. Thank you girls !!!!!
More about what we do and where we travel next time ...............
Okay, I'm impressed. Great writing and photos.
Nice writing mom. Soon enough you'll be writing about snow and cold!
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