Thursday, March 19, 2009

Dear Blog I haven't forgotten you!

Can you believe it? I haven't been in here for months. I have been totally neglectful and uncaring. But it's never too late to turn the leaf.
I've been living in the city for the last few months and though I live in a very nice home I do miss the country and quiet. This has helped financially and has increased my money pot for moving expenses to get me to Vermont in July.
I've been working about 3 - 4 nights a week due to a huge cutback in hours like so many others are going thru. At least I still have my job.
I had a wonderful surprise visit from my daughter Valerie, from Maine. We took a trip to Algadonez, Mexico just outside of Yuma, AZ and had a wonderful 3 days. All in all it was a wonderful 2 week visit.
I had my son Kurt & Richard and girlfriends visit in November for 3 days and that turned out to be a wonderful time as well.
Nothing real exciting going on here except the weather has turned very hot .... in the 90's and it's only March!!! I know, I know there are those of you just hissing at me because your weather is either very cold or wet and downright nasty. hahah
The weather extremes are a bit hard to contend with at times!
As for now it is still hot outside and it's midnight and I don't feel sorry for those of you in the cold. Sooooo, bye for now and more to come later. :=)


ieatdirt_yummy said...

Granny!!!! Why would you leave the beautiful hot weather for rain and snow? I miss Arizona! Amsterdam here I come :)

Deanna Stoppler said...

thanks for posting ma!

The Mojave

The Mojave